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Reporting a safeguarding incident

Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA) is committed to providing a safe and trusting environment for all people who come into contact with the organisation’s work. The protection of human dignity and human rights are core values in the work of HIA.

A further aim is to protect those with whom we work with from suffering any form of disadvantage. This applies to any harm or disadvantage caused by the conduct of our staff and to any type of harm that may derive from the design and delivery of programmes and services.

Hungarian Interchurch Aid declares zero tolerance to sexual exploitation and abuse. It expects its staff and partners to be committed to this standard of conduct.

Filing a complaint against HIA staff or partner

In which cases should I file a complaint?

Abuse is defined as any verbal, physical, sexual or psychological maltreatment, including exploitation, harassment, neglect, mistreatment or any other deed or act that violates the human dignity or human rights of a person – regarldless of being committed in person, online, through an instrument or any other channel or means.

Who can make a complaint?

Everyone has the right to receive protection from abuse. However, Hungarian Interchurch Aid’s Safeguarding Policy primarily focuses on the  distress of those, who receive help and support through our programmes and services, have their needs assessed by HIA, have turned to HIA for help as well as those who are themselves our colleagues, volunteers and external experts involved in our work.

What does HIA do when investigating a complaint?

All complaints, suspicions and concerns are taken seriously and we respond carefully to reported complaints. Our procedure is centered around the needs and concerns of those who need help.

What happens after I file my complaint?

If you have made a complaint directly to one of the e-mail addresses provided, the HIA Protection Officer will contact you within 24 hours of receipt. The investigation will be opened by a report from the HIA Protection Officer, which will be forwarded to the investigating committee. It is the responsibility of the investigating committee to conclude the investigation as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the first meeting of the committee, and to record the findings of the investigation in the investigation report. It is the duty and responsibility of the HIA protection officer to report violations of criminal law or violations against children to relevant investigating  authorities.

If you become aware of information that suggests that abuse has occurred, you should exercise your right to complain in the following ways:

  1. By contacting us on our dedicated channels (Hungary/Ukraine/Afghanistan/Ethiopia/Iraq)
  2. Directly via the dedicated safeguarding complaint form
    Please note that while HIA accepts complaints anonymously, providing your personal data is not required and you can file a complaint without filling them in.
    However, in order for us to be able to conduct an efficient investigation, please provide as many details as possible.

You can find HIA’s detailed Safeguarding Policy here, where you’ll be able to learn more on how we investigate safeguarding incidents and provide assistance.