
HIA Hungary has just launched its fundraising to help more Iraqi families to return to their hometowns. The aim of the fundraising is to continue the long-term humanitarian and development programmes in the country and to support more families even in the times of a pandemic.

While we find it important to support as many families in Hungary as possible we have a responsibility to raise attention to the crises that did not stop existing in other countries, they might have became even worse with the appearance of COVID-19 so there is a huge need for long-term programmes and to join efforts.

There are two ways to join the fundraising which is active until the end of April:

  • Online donation by clicking here
  • Bank transfer:
    Bank account number (IBAN): HU 32-11705008-20464565-00000000
    SWIFT code: OTPV HU HB
    EURO bank account (IBAN): HU 42-1030-0002-5010-0126-2100-4882
    USD bank account (IBAN): HU 41-1030-0002-5010-0126-2101-4018
    SWIFT code: MKKB HU HB

The fundraising has started with a press conference where Barnabás Szatmári, Country Director of HIA said: families that had to flee from ISIS years after the humanitarian crisis still live in IDP camps because their former homes are still ruined. The pandemic makes it even harder for them to be able to return since accessing clean water, education and medical care is an everyday struggle to many families.

HIA is introducing three main problematic fields  – water, education and healthcare – that affects houndred-thousands of children and families, and sharing real stories from Iraq. We are asking our donors to support our programmes and the disadvantaged families in these tought times as well.

János Lackfi, a Hungarian poet and writer joined our campaign for the third time and he is using the tools of literature: he wrote three poems to raise people’s attention to what kind of difficulties Iraqi families has to face each day. To him and to HIA it is equally important to help the needy families – especially the persecuted Christians. His poems are available in Hungarian here.