ACT UKR221: Emergency response for communities affected by Ukraine conflict

ACT UKR221: Emergency response for communities affected by Ukraine conflict

Since February 2022 Hungarian Interchurch Aid has doubled down on its 20 years of  commitment to provide help to those in need – both in Hungary and Ukraine. From tangible, in-kind food aid to cash assistance, community-based relief and psychosocial help, HIA’s ACT-funded response to this crisis is multisectoral and flexible. Supported by other members from ACT Alliance, HIA is present on both sides of the border and is providing assistance to those in need, wherever they are seeking help.Our current programme in Ukraine encompasses 22 regions, from Zakarpattia in the West to Zaporizhzhia in the Southeast.

Project duration: 01.03.2022 – 28.02.2025

To find out more about our work in the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, visit our dedicated website by clicking here.

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